I visited Chris's twitter just now, and he twitpic'd a picture.

He tweeted that he was promoting his new shirts. Here are the pictures:-

BE A LEADER on Twitpic


my opinion, I don't really know whether am I impressed or the other way around, because I am so hesitant after reading few comments, some of them were saying that Chris DIDNT literally make this shirt, as that they saw it before. Some of them were really proud. I am kinda feeling both.

I am so proud that he is moving on in a good way, it shows that he's really positive about the incident and I know he is growing stronger and stronger. Just because he is a celebrity, he's the media attraction? Chris isn't the only one, there are of course other people who have the same 'experience' as Chris's, its just the matter of 'popularity'. Moreover, these things happen to younger people than Chris, which is worse. I don't know why lots of people were so intimidated with 'chris beating rihanna' and suddenly calling him harsh names like 'Wife Beater' and 'Woman Beater' and etc.

Some fans would always say "People make mistakes" and some people (haters) would take it heavily. They won't forgive and forget. As if they don't remember that Chris is also a "Human". And it really pisses me off when a overreacted hater says something like "Chris, it is so unacceptable of what you did to Rihanna, she's a woman!" because it is so disturbing, its like they really know the real Chris. We didn't know what happened, only Rihanna and Chris know it.

I was a huge fan of Chris, like really huge. I lost interest since pre-incident. I didnt lost interest because of the incident, and in fact, I am still a fan, a fan of his music. Speaking of music, I didn't know why some people say that Chris's music is 'gay'. Can't you just see how he's making millions? and how girls are chasing over him? All i could say is they are just jealous and envious.

oh wow, I didn't intend to make a long post, I guess I'm carried away by my thoughts. Anyhoo, I just wish Chris goodluck to his life.

ps: Chris new album, Grafitti, would be released in 2010. I CAN'T WAIT!