I've been neglecting this blog. hmm. About the AMA pictures, as I hate to admit this, but I really don't have the urge to search for pictures. I've been procrastinating lately. I hate delaying but I'm a tweet whore right now and couldn't resist it.

lets forget that, shall we?

Anyways, maybe some of you already know about Tila's nerve on Rihanna on twitter. She tweeted that "she was pissed" and "going to write about Rihanna's dirty secret". I was excited at first, but dirty secret? What would Rihanna hide from her fans? And I never would've guess everything she wrote. I guessed it was all about the domestic violence that happened last February. But I was wrong.

And I didn't know why she was going in for Rihanna. But when I read it, now i know. Click HERE to read her journal.

So, I don't know if Tila is doing the right thing or not. How about you?