Yesterday, 6th November, Rihanna was interview by Diane Sawyer. She revealed the story of what happened in February 2008. Well, I watched it, she really made Chris looked bad.

Here's the video:

I'm just gonna copy from ABC news:

"It wasn't the same person that says I love you. It was not those... eyes," she told Sawyer in an exclusive interview. "He had ... no soul in his eyes. Just blank. ...He was clearly blacked out. There was no person when I looked at him."

The February 2009 assault left the 21-year-old battered and bruised, and Brown was sentenced to five years of probation, community labor, and one year of domestic-violence counseling.

"All I kept thinking all the time: When is it going to stop? When it is going to stop?" she said.

After the attack, Rihanna briefly reunited with Brown, but said that she never forgave him.

What do you think? I have no comment. just watch the video, okay?